Motivated by our desire to help people develop a habit of eating a more varied diet and increase the intake of plant-based foods, we set out to create our plant-based product line.
Motivated by our desire to help people develop a habit of eating a more varied diet and increase the intake of plant-based foods, we set out to create our plant-based product line.
To enjoy everyone’s favourite flavours and dishes
only this time they are made from plant protein.

What about the flavour? The same.

Don’t worry...

You don’t have to swear off burgers, sandwiches, bolognese, hot dogs, and other favourites!

We don’t believe in going cold turkey, making certain flavours off-limits, or compromising in any way. We are not looking to turn your whole life upside down. which is why we have developed our products using only the highest-quality plant ingredients.

We’re asking you to take a small step and give the plants a chance to surprise you.

We don’t believe in going cold turkey, making certain flavours off-limits, or compromising in any way. We are not looking to turn your whole life upside down.

“Worth a try¨

Which is why we have developed our products using only the highest-quality plant ingredients.

We’re asking you to take a small step and give the plants a chance to surprise you.

Planet of Plants proizvodi:

Tastes and looks just like a regular burger...
...but it’s actually pea protein.
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Tastes and looks just like dumplings...
...but it’s actually pea protein.
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Tastes and looks just like mince...
...but it’s actually pea protein.
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Tastes and looks just like a hot dog...
...but it’s actually pea and potato protein.
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Tastes and looks just like salami...
…but it’s actually sunflower protein.
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Tastes and looks just like salami...
...but it’s actually sunflower protein with olives.
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Tastes and looks just like butter…
…but it’s actually hemp seeds and hemp oil.
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Tastes and looks just like mayonnaise…
…but it’s actually bamboo fibre and psyllium husk powder.
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Tastes and looks just like regular fat…
…but it’s actually coconut fat.
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Tastes and looks just like a mayo dressing...
…but it’s actually a sauce made with chives, ginger, cumin, and turmeric.
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They taste and look just like chicken nuggets…
…but it’s actually pea protein.
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They taste and look just like fish nuggets…
…but it’s actually pea protein.
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Tastes and looks just like regular hummus…
…but it’s actually a chickpea spread with vegetable fibre.
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Tastes and looks just like butter…
…but it’s actually vegetable fat.
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Planet of Plants Recipes

For good old classics, as well as new creative



You have asked us...

Planet of Plants products are intended for everyone who, for various reasons, wants to reduce the consumption of animal products (milk, meat, eggs, cheese, etc.). In the production of these products, we have never compromised on flavour and we continually prove that plant-based nutrition can be diverse, imaginative, and delicious.

The products are based on plant proteins, and the exact composition and nutritional value of each product can be checked on the packaging, as well as on this website in the products section.

The products do not contain gluten and are safe to eat by people allergic to this allergen.

The products from the Planet of Plants range are soya-free, except for breaded vegetable nuggets, which may contain traces of soya.

S obzirom na to da se radi o proizvodima biljnog podrijetla, isti ne sadrže mlijeko niti jaja.

Proizvodi su izgledom i okusom slični varijantama proizvoda životinjskog podrijetla kako bi u njima mogli uživati svi – vegani, vegetarijanci i fleksitarijanci, ali i mesoljubci.

Naši proizvodi ne sadrže namirnice životinjskog podrijetla i u potpunosti su biljni pa su kao takvi idealni za razdoblje i dane posta.

What’s new

Stay updated

All aboard the plant-based diet train! Learn all about plant-based nutrition, new products, events and much more…

What is flexitarianism and who are flexitarians?

Flexitarianism, i.e. a flexitarian diet is a diet centred around plant-based foods, while also including, in moderate amounts, food items that come from an animal source such as eggs, dairy

Benefits of a plant-based diet that is based on plant proteins

A plant-based diet is rich in fibre, which can help us feel fuller for longer and prevent overeating in the evening. Fibre also helps regulate bowel movements and feeds the

Plant-based nutrition comes with numerous (1) health benefits, as well as (2) environmental benefits

Health benefits

A plant-based diet is rich in nutrients that do not place undue stress on the body and have a positive impact on overall health and vitality.

Psyllium husks are a source of natural fibre that helps with intestinal motility and a sense of satiety.

Peas are an excellent source of plant protein, and unlike animal protein sources, they do not contain bad fats.

Hemp oil and hemp seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which, when paired with a balanced diet, help prevent high cholesterol and blood pressure, and are also a source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, and E.

Sunflower protein is a good source of plant protein, and unlike certain more common and prevalent protein sources, such as soya beans or dairy products, sunflower protein is not a strong allergen, which makes it an excellent substitute.

In addition to many other benefits…

Lower consumption of water and energy during the production process compared to other dietary options.

Lower greenhouse gas emissions, which can help curb climate change.

Preservation of biodiversity and natural habitats due to reduced strain on natural resources.

Environmental benefits

A plant-based diet helps protect the environment. Think green.

One day a week
without animal

You don’t have to “turn 100% vegan” or even vegetarian to make a huge difference. If we implement small changes in our day-to-day lives, especially when it comes to our eating habits, we can significantly alleviate the impact of climate change.

From social media…

It’s a philosophy, not a diet
We change habits, not the flavour.
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